'for the sturdy-wristed, thinking. men only'." Sounds interesting.
And as for the distaff side: The Most Rev. James Duhig, R. C. Archbishop of Brisbane, said in a lenten pastoral letter that today's girls, so "bent on breaking down the barriers behind which her sex had found honor and protection in the past," are responsible for the death of chivalry and true romance. "Mannish attire and the manners of a cigarette and cocktail addict give no good promise for the future, for no discerning man can see in such a type the mothers of future great Australians . . ."
Dr. Manfred Guttmacher, chief medical adviser to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore, recently told 85 attorneys in a pioneering U. of Maryland course on Basic Psychiatry for Lawyers, that castration should be used "on very carefully selected" sexual offenders who had repeated records of rape or child molestation. He felt that castration had been highly successful in Denmark which he visited recently, where it is widely used to relieve the compulsive sexual drives of persons whose impulses endanger society. ..
Dr. Henry Davidson, editor of Medical Society Journal of New Jersey, recently said neurotics are among world's best workers. Their "exquisitely sensitive conscience," which makes them neurotic, also makes them conscientious. Doctors should begin to treat neurotic complaints with more seriousness-the neurotic needs to be told "what the score is in such a way that he isn't frightened, he isn't insulted, he believes the doctor and is hopeful about the outcome." SURVEY...
Increasingly widespread reports (New York, New Jersey, San Francisco, etc.) about high incidence of
venereal disease among homosexuals, who long thought they were immune. Dr. Bernard Rosenblum says more than half of Los Angeles. syphilis cases are among homosexuals. Health Dept. officials understandably require those seeking treatment to name everyone they've contacted but for homosexuals, without reliable guarantees of secrecy, this is quite touchy. They risk involving selves and friends in felony charges. Just the same, checkups are adviseable. whether or not you 'think' you have it, because VD can be extremely serious unless caught soon
YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO: During an obscenity trial involving the book "Sex Life of a Cop," star prosecution witnesses (a minister, a priest and a psychologist) were certain the novel was obscene, but were forced to admit they didn't read enough to compare the book with other current books. Psychologist Ward H. Mowry admitted he'd hardly read one book a year in last 10 years. It could probably be taken as a general rule that few Citizens for Decent Literature have any real affinity for literature, decent or not. The trial (not yet settled) was followed by a community panel with several of same participants, judge included, and strongly anti-censorship editorials in Youngstown U. student paper which was burned on campus by students inflamed by pro-censorship messages from Father Paul Petric . . .
NEW ORLEANS: The Deleny crowd had just announced a mass meeting for mid-March and Rep. Edw. LeBreton of the Joint Committee on sex crimes and indecent literature had announced a plan to introduce a new bill in the legisla-
tightening censorship (he didn't like to call it that) -tho he admitted that writing such a bill